Thursday, March 6, 2008

wright`s moral dilemma .

Wright does not enjoy being apart of stealing and doing things to get money, however, at the same time he feels like that it is something that he needs to do. I believe that many thieves are in Wright’s position. Stealing is not something that they want to do, however, it is something that they feel like they need to do in order to fulfill their needs of money and to be happy. I believe that many feel like they NEED to steal. Therefore, I do not think that Wright feels justified in doing what he is doing because he knows it is wrong. Wright understands how bad he could be punished if he were to get caught stealing. Richard is indeed frightened and is feeling guilty of his actions. This is definitely not something that Wright wants to do, but I personally think that at the same time he wants to do it to get back at the white people and to get money that he needs.

1 comment:

Tina said...

I agree with what you have to say about many people that steal. It is true that most people that steal are not bad people, but are simply doing all they can in order to get food or support their family. Wright is doing all he can do in order to get out of the south so that he can feel like he actually has worth in the world. He justifies it by "getting back at the white people", but he still feels bad about it.