Thursday, March 20, 2008

me && my moma .

When we were assigned this blog I was not too excited, not even going to lie. I am not a big fan of art, however, I do have my various interpretations while looking at art such as the mood of a painting. That is the only thing I like doing about looking at art, seeing the meaning of the art. I do not enjoy doing art myself, like drawing or painting, that is just not for me. The painting that I found on is shown above. I chose this image just because of the various colors in the image that I believe display my life. When you first look at this painting, you could think you are in the center of chaos, but when you look closer, you will notice that there are purple flowers. I think the purple flowers display that there is still softness in the painting even if it looks like a collage of nonsense. The softness represents the softer, cooler, nonchalant times. In the center of the red circles you can see another picture. When I first saw that little spinner looking thing it made me think of a fair or like a amusement park with those big rides that go around and around and upside down and whatever else you want it to do. I sometimes think that life is like a rollercoaster, you have your ups and downs and sometimes you feel like you are going around and around and repeating some type of situation that you think you have already went through. Then there are the bluish greenish type spaces in the corners of the painting, displaying that there is still calm and coolness in life. Believe it or not, this image displays a lot about life if you actually sit there and think about it.

Below is the link also.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ieysha - I laughed out loud at this title. Thank you for sharing.