Friday, February 15, 2008

day two of presentations .

Today was my first day being able to see presentations for the Rhetoric on the Town project. I thought it was pretty interesting that there are so many examples of rhetoric that we see everyday and we usually do not think that it is an actual example. The example that I found most interesting and one that I have thought about before was Ethan's and the cheeseburger.

Ethan presented the fact that you see these basically perfect looking cheeseburgers on billboards, commercials, and other advertising devices, however, it is not what the actual cheeseburger looks like when you buy it. I find this being so true. Fast food and other types of restaurants use these images that make the burger look so good, but in reality the burger is usually sloppy and the cheese is not even melted. The double cheeseburgers are even shown with the exact same size burger patties, but in reality they are not really the same size.

I believe Ethan was totally right about how they, meaning restaurants, make you think you are giving this such magnificent, "non- sloppy" burger. They try to make the burger look good so it is appealing to your eye and tummy, but when you actual go buy the burger it does not look like how it was advertised. I personally do not believe that if the companies put how the burger really looked, they would get so many people to buy their product. I think it is sad that you have to make something seem one way to get people to buy it, when it is really not how you are making or talking it up to be.

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