Thursday, March 20, 2008

me && my moma .

When we were assigned this blog I was not too excited, not even going to lie. I am not a big fan of art, however, I do have my various interpretations while looking at art such as the mood of a painting. That is the only thing I like doing about looking at art, seeing the meaning of the art. I do not enjoy doing art myself, like drawing or painting, that is just not for me. The painting that I found on is shown above. I chose this image just because of the various colors in the image that I believe display my life. When you first look at this painting, you could think you are in the center of chaos, but when you look closer, you will notice that there are purple flowers. I think the purple flowers display that there is still softness in the painting even if it looks like a collage of nonsense. The softness represents the softer, cooler, nonchalant times. In the center of the red circles you can see another picture. When I first saw that little spinner looking thing it made me think of a fair or like a amusement park with those big rides that go around and around and upside down and whatever else you want it to do. I sometimes think that life is like a rollercoaster, you have your ups and downs and sometimes you feel like you are going around and around and repeating some type of situation that you think you have already went through. Then there are the bluish greenish type spaces in the corners of the painting, displaying that there is still calm and coolness in life. Believe it or not, this image displays a lot about life if you actually sit there and think about it.

Below is the link also.

wright`s realization .

At the end of the novel, Wright comes to the realization that the world will never be unified. He realizes that the world will never be what it is “talked up to be”. I think he believes that no matter where you are or who you are, things will not be in unison. With the fact that Wright was hoping to move to the north and hopefully see some sense of unification, it is pretty sad that he was not able to. This could possibly make a reader think, why keep moving more north if things are not changing, however, this is a prime example that you never know how something else until you can clearly experience it for oneself.

Wright has writing has what I think he could call an “escapee”. The ability for Wright to write allows him to express himself about the world; however, he is having trouble getting the individuals in his environment to understand him. I do not think that Wright should give up the writing because it allows people like us to think more in depth about topics in our world and allows us to get an understanding of writers who do not have the ability to speak words out loud.

artists && politicians .

I, in fact, do agree with Wright’s theory that artists and politicians stand at opposite poles. When Wright gave the information in the story about the Communist party, I realized much more of the fact that artists and politicians have two different ways about how they think and how they approach groups of people. Artists like to keep the groups of people together and allow for everyone to learn from the art. They seem to be more of the gentle ones compared to the politicians because they want to better everyone, not separations of people. The artist would actually take the time to think about life, how life operates, and how people go about life. While the artist has this way of interacting with people, the politician would rather have this one own opinion and stick with it. Politicians would rather think of their own opinions and express them, hoping to get the people around them to feel the same as they do.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

wright , the author , speaks .

The passage that I have chose is on page 313 in the edition that I have. Wright, the author, says this: “To solve this tangle of balked emotion, I loaded the empty part of the ship of my personality with fantasies of ambition to keep it from toppling over into the sea of senselessness” (313). I think I honestly read that specific part of this passage over and over about ten times. The connection that Wright makes with this ship is powerful. I believe that he is saying that he has this hesitant idea. Wright is undergoing a thought that he does not really want to think. The thought is that he is getting rid of the dreams and what he thought could eventually happen in his future, what he could achieve one day. The sea of senselessness seems to just be all the ideas that he ever had that he knows for sure that would never happen or come true. The object that he used, the ship, makes me (and maybe other readers) think that he has so much thought and dreams that he is getting rid of by putting them all into this empty ship, which is a large object.

In this passage, he also mentions what dreams he had, like any other American. He also states how he had reached the certain position that he dreamed of putting together a secret groups of blacks that could fight against whites and if the blacks did not agree to be apart of it, then they would be fought against. I think that this is sad that Wright has even got so hostile (not saying that he should not) towards the whites that he is willing to even fight his own kind for not willing to be apart of something that he dreams of being right.

end of part ONE .

I truly believe that Richard has definitely set in motion a positive change at the end of Part I. I believe during this time the farther north that a black person would move, the better. At this point in the story, Richard is going to head to Chicago. He and Maggie are on their way to Chicago to go find the place for the four members of the family, who are Richard, his mother, his brother, and Aunt Maddie. Richard is going to be able to live a better life when he gets to Chicago, he hopes. Even though the north is not all “goody goody”, it is not as bad as the south. He will be able to have more freedom as an African American and be able to be treated better by the whites, however, there will stll be the ones who do not like the blacks. It will hopefully be a new start for Richard, of course not forgetting all he knows from the south, but being able to start off new as far as a job. I am hoping that Richard’s life in Chicago turns out to be what he hopes it to be.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

wright`s moral dilemma .

Wright does not enjoy being apart of stealing and doing things to get money, however, at the same time he feels like that it is something that he needs to do. I believe that many thieves are in Wright’s position. Stealing is not something that they want to do, however, it is something that they feel like they need to do in order to fulfill their needs of money and to be happy. I believe that many feel like they NEED to steal. Therefore, I do not think that Wright feels justified in doing what he is doing because he knows it is wrong. Wright understands how bad he could be punished if he were to get caught stealing. Richard is indeed frightened and is feeling guilty of his actions. This is definitely not something that Wright wants to do, but I personally think that at the same time he wants to do it to get back at the white people and to get money that he needs.

'learn how to live in the south' .

Griggs is a boy who Wright went to school with and when Wright and Griggs see each other, Griggs tells Wright that he needs to ‘learn how to live in the south’. Griggs is basically saying that he needs to smile and act a certain way when whites are around. The way he needs to act is to make sure that he remembers they are white and that they are superior to him. Wright must show that they are basically above him and that Wright is under him. Although Wright must act like this in public, he can still think whatever he wants and have his own thoughts about the whites when he is alone. The white people are watching Wright’s moves and what he does. He must watch what he does in front of the white people so he does not end up dead or punished by them. Griggs also tells him that he must be patient and act this certain way.

wright && refusing to say the speech .

I think that Wright is justified in refusing to say the speech that he wrote himself. I also think that the principal is making it seem like Wright is not good enough to say his own speech and it would basically embarrass him. The principal is trying to get Wright is say this speech already prepared for him to read and acceptable to the white people in the audience. The principal is also basically saying that Wright is not smart enough to come up with his own speech and it be good enough to be heard by the white people.

Wright’s own speech of course has his very own thoughts and feeling and his own thoughts of his experiences within his speech. However, he cannot be so proud of his work due to the fact that if it is perceived wrong by the audience, he can be punished for his work. I think this is truly upsetting because if I were to write my own speech and someone try to give me a pre-written speech to read, I would be kind of upset. My feelings would include being not so proud of my work because this person is basically shutting me down and telling me that my own works and the factual information I have from my own experiences is still not good enough.

wright && his uncle tom .

Wright and his Uncle Tom are not getting together at all this chapter. Uncle Tom now lives with Wright and his family. There was one particular situation, which Uncle Tom asks Wright the time and Wright’s response made Uncle Tom mad. Wright’s answer to Uncle Tom’s question included that his watch could be a few minutes fast or slow, but it was still not far from the right time. Uncle Tom decides to beat Wright for this, but Wright is not having it. Wright decides to stand up for himself by pulling out a razor blade and telling Uncle Tom that he would rather cut him that to be beaten. I think it takes a lot of “fed-up-ness” and courage to threaten and elder, let alone to threaten a relative. At the same time it is hard to relate to Richard’s life at this time.

I honestly do not think that Uncle Tom is helping the situation that Wright is in at this time. Wright had a paralyzed mother and is trying to understand the world outside his home. It seems to me that Uncle Tom is not adding to this Richard’s struggles. I know personally that if I was having a hard time with something and someone else other than one of my household family members moves in and is trying to be a control factor in my life, I would have a problem with that. However, this does not give Richard the right to pull out a razor on his uncle.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

wright`s writing && gratification .

According the Oxford Dictionaries, to gratify means to give pleasure of satisfaction. Honestly, I believe that all writers feel gratified after sharing their writings. In addition, I think that Wright has this same feeling as all writers. Writers feel satisfied after being able to share memories and events that have occurred in their life with people they know and even people they do not even know and will never meet. Even if it hard to relate to their writing and events of their life, the writer still may feel good about the fact that someone is reading it and at least thinking about their life. Richard seems gratified just about the fact that he can write a piece of writing that is so significant to him.

I personally can admit that writing makes someone feel gratified and a little satisfied about a situation. There was a time, this year, that I had so many thoughts built up on my mind and so many things that I thought that I needed to get off my chest. I picked up a notebook and just started writing. I wrote down everything I was feeling, like I was basically talking to the paper. I got up to three full pages in a very limited amount of time. I was proud of myself just being able to write so many words and feelings down on this paper. I did not necessarily have to let someone read it to feel gratified. It is just a great feeling to let out all your thoughts when you write.