Friday, October 5, 2007

ragged dick vs. cruz

Due to the fact that I was on a field trip with my publication design class and not in attendance to see the "Roger & Me" film, I will not be comparing Ragged Dick and "Roger & Me". I will be comparing Ragged Dick and Stephen Cruz.

Both Ragged Dick and Stephen Cruz share their opinions in the readings. However, there are definetly some differences. Stephen Cruz talks about how their is selfishness within the American Dream, which he believes involves racial inequity. Cruz tells his own story of the racial inequity and how he was a minority and how it is harder for him to be successful versus those who are of the majority.

However, with the Ragged Dick reading, he believes that everyone has the opportunity to be succesful when hard work is put in. He tells his story of how he, in the beginning, had trouble getting a job and wanted to live the American Dream of being successful. Surprisingly, he had this "remarkable" story which explains how he became successful. Dick saves a business man`s son from drowning and is then offered a high paying job. Later, he recieved a high raise/ promotion within the company, therefore, he was now successful. Dick believes that with hard work everyone can be successful. Having no job to working hard and living the American Dream and be done, according to Dick.

I, personally, do not agree with Dick, but do enitrely agree with Cruz. I, being an African American, do think that us African Americans have to harder when it comes to success. A lot of the times I think about how if a white person was going to apply for the job and so was a minority, the white person would of course get the job. Minorities have to work so much harder to get what they want and have to work so much harder to not have the bad impression that is usually given off with any minority. Racial inequity happens everday, I think, and I have high doubt that it will ever stop.

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