Tuesday, October 30, 2007

causes of prejudice -- parillo !

According to Parillo, in the “socialization process”, “individuals acquire the values, attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions of their culture or subculture, including religion, nationality, and social class”. Parillo is saying that like children take up what they know about the world && the people in it from their parents. The children usually accept it because they don`t know anything other than what they are told from their parents. The child then starts to learn && intake their parents prejudices, discrimination, and beliefs. For example, you are brought up/ told by your parents ever since you were little that black people aren`t smart and they don`t know anything. You get “adapted” to the beliefs and you discriminate against them by not wanting to have anything to with them without even realizing that you are being prejudice.

Yes, I agree that prejudices or really any beliefs in general are instilled in this way with ANYONE. All of us are brought up being told that one thing is good and the other is bad and with what you are told when you are little, you don`t really know another view of it, so you just take it with you as you grow up. And once again, as you get older, you don`t notice that you aren`t doing this certain thing JUST because what your parents told you, you`ve already lived with believing a certain way that it`s hard for you to change your belief.

I believe that everyone may judge anyone person that would walk into our English class during the middle of one of our discussions. You would probably wonder, why do they have on that ugly sweater or something like that. You`re quick to judge anyone really, && it`s just something that just happens, I think. [This part probably doesn`t make sense, but as I was writing this blog I thought about it].

1 comment:

해성 said...

I agree with you. It is hard to change people's view once they hit their adulthood. So it is very important what children hear or observe.