Tuesday, January 15, 2008

student directed plays 01/11/08

So I went to the plays Friday and of course I have my different views about each of the plays. There were four plays. The name of the plays were Heaven, Being or Not Being, If Books Could Kill, and Playing the Pronoun Game. I thought Playing the Pronoun Game, the first play performed was a lot more reality like. It just seemed more everyday life than the other plays. I think this because now-a-days you do see a lot more homosexual couples with children and more teenagers falling in love with their own genders. I felt more engaged in this particular play because I was curious to see what was going to happen each day. I think just in general I feel more engaged in plays that have different days and different events happening in the play. I liked this play the best and I would have like to see more towards the end, like how the girls relationship went. The second play was Being or Not Being. I thought it was pretty good as far as having some sense of humor. I was not so deep thought into this one because it was not like everyday life like the first one. Heaven was the third play. The beginning lines of the play totally threw me off. I was confused from the jump. I did not really enjoy the fact that there were only two characters in the play. It was not easy for me to understand what exactly had been “crashed”(?) or what was messed up and what they were scared about happening. I think the whole idea of the play or what I perceived for the meaning of the play to be was not about the whole messing up the computer deal, but it was more about trying to solve what could happen for the problem to be solved, I think. I was totally confused about that play from the beginning to the end of it. The last play, If Book Could Kill, was REALLY confusing for me. The only part that I really understood was that the bookstore owner did not want to give back the story to the girl because he was pretty interested in it. I understood that he wanted to get down to the gist of the girl’s writing and he wanted to understand why she was writing what she wrote. I personally did not understand the girl’s writing either. But one thing that I thought about towards the ending of the play is that the bookstore keeper in the girl’s writing was about the actual man in the bookstore all along. However, I did not understand if all the writing was about his life or was it just that part? I look forward to talking to Lamags about the plays to get a better understanding of the ones I did not understand and to just have a general discussion about the first two. I am glad I went though because discussions with Lamags are fun and interesting.

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