Thursday, December 6, 2007

inquiry contract progress -- #5

This is about the fifth progress and surprisingly I think I am getting some where with this course. Last night, my sister called me to tell me that she had read an article over childhood obesity. She then asked what my email address was so she could send it to me. I do not exactly remember how she got it, but the articles presented a lot of information. When I say a lot, I mean pages. It took me forever to read.

The article was of course titled around the childhood obesity topic. However, the specific title was Childhood Obesity – The Shape of Things to Come. While I was turning the pages in the article, the page that caught my eye was the second page. The second page consists of a table titled Complications of Childhood Obesity. Having obesity could cause the children to have problems with psychosocial, neurologic, endocrine, cardiovascular, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, renal, and musculoskeletal.

Even though I do know that obesity can cause problem for a child or anyone in general I never knew that it could affect so much.

1 comment:

해성 said...

I think this is such an interesting topic. It is a huge issue for this country. It is something that people do not really stop and think about often. I think even though people feel bad about it, they are not really willing to take any action.
I think that there should be some kind of solution to prevent childhood obesity. For example, less fast food or more exercise for children during school (or even schools emphasizing the importance of healthy eating habits or exercise.)
Children with obesity is more susceptable to bullying or teasing and it is related to self-esteem issue and to prevent that, I strongly believe that the parents or any adults around children should educate them.