Thursday, September 27, 2007

evaluating an argument

The argument I chose to evaluate is presented in Maybeth Hamilton’s “First Place: A Healing School for Homeless Children” essay. Hamilton is a student who believes that First Place should have more funding. The First Place program’s purpose is to prepare students for returning to mainstream public schools. In Hamilton’s essay, she not only explains much about her argument, but does a good job stating what her opponents would say and opposing their argument.

Hamilton is arguing that the First Place program is able to do so many things for children and it needs more funds to keep on doing so. First Place needs the tax money from the people of the city. She says that First Place can help the city by reducing the future costs of crime and welfare. The students at First Place are at risk for educational failure, drug and alcohol abuse, or many other long-term programs. The program not only helps the children but also the family to get out of poverty. With the help of the program, parents are able to search for jobs and have nice attire for their interviews.

She illustrates her opponents by them arguing that separating the children from the regular classrooms is not a good idea because it justifies their difference from the mainstream students. However, Hamilton would argue back that the children in First Place are actually all sympathetic to each other and they do not have to be so defensive because the children are all the same. They are all homeless, therefore, there is really no reason for the children to make fun of one another.

I believe that Hamilton does a good job presenting her argument and presenting and answering opposing arguments of the First Place program. Her organization of the essay allows for readers, like myself, to follow what she is saying clearly. Although, I thought her argument would have been better if there were some actual facts or statistics shown the argument, Hamilton still persuaded me to think that the funding was worth it. I think it is worth it because there are many children and families in this world who would love to have extra help for the child and help for the parents to get jobs. With programs like First Place, children and parents do not have to fight their struggles alone.

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