Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Poetry Response: "Unveiling" by Linda Pastan

I really liked this poem. I read it back to back about five times because it had me continuously thinking about how this poem can relate to so many things. It made me think about my cousin and a friend who both passed away at the end of this past summer. I felt like there were things that I did not know about that led up to their deaths. Pastan says, "...just left out a bit as if they kept me from the kind of grown-up secret they used to share back then..." There are times that I feel left out because they both left me and went to heaven. Sometimes I think that there was somethings that they were never able to tell me and now that they're gone, I can only talk to them through prayer. It is definetly a confusing feeling not being able to have them here sitting with me and communicating face to face. I miss their faces.

I've also being thinking about tomorrow being the first home game for our girls basketball team. I remember Kate being so hyper and would give me the biggest hugs on game days. I remember her telling me stories and then saying I'll tell you the rest later because we had to get ready or focus on the game or go to practice, but we would always forget. I think about what were the rest of her stories. What else did Kate have to tell me? I miss her.

My cousin and I weren't very close, but when we were together we would talk. I wonder what we would be talking about this Thanksgiving Day coming up. Maybe how cute her hair always is, how cute her nails are, how her boys were growing up so fast, how cute her outfit was. I wonder what. Probably some girly talk. I miss that.

I miss them so much!

1 comment:

amypfan said...

This is beautifully written. I'm so sorry for your losses.