Tuesday, September 9, 2008

joyce`s araby .

1. Araby is a short story about a boy who wants to go to supposedly “splendid bazaar" to get a gift for Mangan's sister, the girl who he wants her to like him the same way he likes her.

2. Leveled Questions
Level One
Where did the tenant of the house, the priest, die ?
Level Two
The narrator never really says exactly why he wants to go to Araby. Why do you think he wanted to go so badly?
Level Three
Describe a time in which you really wanted to go somewhere, but you had to wait for a long period of time for your parents to get home, whether it was to get money or whatever the situation was. How did you feel?

3. Observation
Even though I was confused by the ending of this short story, I was able to get a sense of theme. I believe the theme of this story is to act more than you observe. I think the narrator found himself doing much observation. I think the author talked more about what he saw and what appeared to him, other than interacting with others more in the story. Good things come out when you interact more. Like he was able to go to Araby after expressing so much why he wanted to go.

When I read the part about him having to wait for his uncle to get home so he could have money to go to the bazaar, it made me think of the many times that I have wanted to go somewhere but I had to wait until my mom got home to get money for her. This was of course before I was allowed to take money out of my account. I remember being so frustrated because I was not able to just leave when I wanted to, but yet, I had to wait for like my mom to get off work before I could get the money.

I thought this story was kind of weird, well the ending anyway. I do not quite understand how the last two paragraphs come into the story. I intend to get a better understanding when the class discusses this short story in class.

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