Friday, May 9, 2008

joe`s wants .

Joe wants to be able to be mobile and have the ability to do everything he can not do. Basically, Joe wants everything he once had before he went to war. He wants to be able to have his senses [see, hear, smell, taste, and feel], let alone be able to communicate and talk to the nurses and doctors. He wants to have his amputated limbs back. He wants to be the man he once was before the war. Joe also wants to be able to go out of the hospital and interact with the people outside of the hospital. There is really nothing for Joe to do inside the hospital, therefore, being able to get out of the hospital would benefit him, he thinks. However, he is told it is against regulations. This is true because the hospital does not want people to see what war can do to them and how they can be greatly affected by willing to fight for their country. They, the nurses and doctors at the hospital, do not want be to get this negative connotation that willing to fight for your country could lead up to this [Joe's condition]. They do not want the future soldiers to see Joe. Not allowing him to go out would keep people's hopes up about being able to save their country.

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