Thursday, May 15, 2008

joe`s desires .

I agree with Joe and his desires to get out and explore and just be able to get out and communicate with people. I also support the fact that he wants people to come and see him and how he survived. I think he wants to be able to communicate or enjoy the presence of someone else other than the doctors and nurses. He just wants to be treated and be able to do the things like a human being outside the hospital. I do agree with how he wants right now. I would definitely want to be treated like a normal human, however, isn't that what everyone who is in the hospital wants?

I am not exactly sure if I would want the exact same things as Joe. I do not think that I could easily relate, being that I have not been the situation like Joe. Therefore, it is hard to say what I would think. I understand how Joe wants to be able to communicate with others and he wants people to see him, however, I do not support the idea of it seeming like he wants to be like part of a museum and everyone just comes to look at him. This is a extremely difficult case to relate to.

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