Saturday, December 8, 2007

inquiry contract progress -- #6

Okay, first I want to say that I have about the best sister ever. You would think being married, having two children, and owning a business would keep one busy, but obviously not. I just checked my email and my sister has yet again, sent me another article about Childhood Obesity. She is freaking amazing!

This article is titled "Contributing Factors". It talks about how children are usually overweight as a result of an imbalance between the calories they consume from food and drinks and the versus the calories a child uses to support normal growth and development, metabolism, and physical activity. Children being obese is a result of genetic, behavioral, and environmental factors. The Genetic Factors sections states, "Studies indicate that certain genetic characteristics may increase an individual's susceptibility to overweight". The genetic factor, however, may not be in so much affect if there is not the help of high calorie foods and minimal physical activity. The Behavioral Factors were split into three different parts; energy intake, physical activity, and sedentary behavior. Then lastly, the Environmental Factors; within the home, within child care, within schools, and within the community.

I believe that this article is very significant to my certain topic, being that if gave me information on why children are usually obese, rather it is from genetics, his/her behavior, or his/her environment. Even though I knew this information, this gives me some actually bulleted facts that I can cite in my writings.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

inquiry contract progress -- #5

This is about the fifth progress and surprisingly I think I am getting some where with this course. Last night, my sister called me to tell me that she had read an article over childhood obesity. She then asked what my email address was so she could send it to me. I do not exactly remember how she got it, but the articles presented a lot of information. When I say a lot, I mean pages. It took me forever to read.

The article was of course titled around the childhood obesity topic. However, the specific title was Childhood Obesity – The Shape of Things to Come. While I was turning the pages in the article, the page that caught my eye was the second page. The second page consists of a table titled Complications of Childhood Obesity. Having obesity could cause the children to have problems with psychosocial, neurologic, endocrine, cardiovascular, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, renal, and musculoskeletal.

Even though I do know that obesity can cause problem for a child or anyone in general I never knew that it could affect so much.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

inquiry contract progress -- #4

The article today is simply titled "Childhood Obesity". It is an article from an actual parent of an obese child from the guide to Parenting of K-6 Children. The parent is Kimberly L. Keith. She talks about how she knew her child had always been chubby, but in the last year he gained 38 pounds from eating too much fast food, too many sweets, and too many hours in front of the TV. Along with the “too much’s”, the lack of exercise caught up with the girl and her body mass index indicated she was obese. Keith quickly took action by joining a local fitness center and taking exercise classes. They often go to see a nutritionist for a well-planned diet. She also includes that having a busy life should not be an excuse for putting family meals low on the list of priorities.

In my reaction to this article, I conclude that Keith was of a parent that even though she did not know the depth of the situation while it was going on, she was quick to take stand on how to control the obesity and get her child’s weight down. There are not many parents would go join a fitness club or get their child on specific food plans to better their child. It does seem like Keith takes the blame for her child’s obesity and more exercise is included in the families’ schedule.

Monday, December 3, 2007

inquiry contract progress -- #3

In order to perform some type of progress that subdues my Inquiry Contract, I have looked online for Childhood Obesity articles. While searching for articles, I came across an article titled “Childhood Obesity Causes Diabetes and Other Health Problems”. The piece was provided by HealthLink from the medical college of Wisconsin.

The article states, “As defined by federal standards, approximately 30 percent of adults and 25 percent of children are considered obese today”. It is also said that in the last two decades, the obesity of adults and children have risen nearly 50 percent. The professor of Pediatrics at the Medical College of Wisconsin, Ramin Alemzadeh MD, says that along with the concern for obesity, we have the parallel increase in diabetes, particularly non-insulin diabetes. Along with obesity, diabetes is a problem. The doctor also dictates from studying that adults who were obese children are less likely to earn as much as the people of ideal weight, they are also less likely to receive a higher education or marry. “Obese children may have great difficulty with high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, orthopaedic problems, sleeping habits, as well as self-esteem and peer relationships”.

I was not aware of all the things that obesity can affect. It is my understanding that obesity affects the way of life including a child’s life. This is a disorder that can be controlled and should be controlled.

inquiry contract progress -- #2

I have made some major changes this weekend for my Inquiry Contract. I have completely changed the idea of researching abortion. The course I will be engaging in for the months required is Childhood Obesity. I do believe that children being obese is a problem and most of the time it is something that the parents of these children can control. There are many questions that I would like to answer in my studies and I would also want to come across more factual information, such as statistics, about the obese children. Question I would like to be able to encounter are like, why are the percentages of obese children rising?

I do believe that this is a topic that more people should worry about. Of course no one children should be singled out, but I want people to realize that obese and extremely fat children is indeed a problem.

[[ Okay , so I am like freaking out. The top part of this blog is exactly 150 words. Pretty nice. ]] !