Thursday, August 28, 2008

" lost brother " ; [ pr ] .

When I read the title of this poem, it brought back a memory. I remember being in some store (it was either K-Mart or Walmart) and my mom and I lost my little brother. However, in a way it was like he lost us because he walked away from me and my mom. I can recall him being very upset and in tears, being that he was so young and he could not find us. I do not exactly think this actually poem could relate to my brother being lost in the store. This poem is more about one tree talking about his brother who was cut down.
The younger brother that is talking (the living tree) is basically saying he wants to please their mother and be like his brother by living as long as he did. He also wants to do things like live with the clouds and with the ones he loves. I still cannot understand how this tree loves someone else or something else.
This poem was definitely not one of my favorites. I thought this poem was a bit hard to understand at first, being that these brothers are trees and one is talking about his brother, being that he was cut down (or in other words, had passed away). I first of all know that trees cannot talk and then the trees being brothers is another thing that is hard to believe. Thus, I found this poem kind of ‘weird’ and I wonder what Moss’s other poems are about or if more personifications are being given to other objects.

1 comment:

amypfan said...

That's fair--you don't have to like all the poems. :) I liked how you could relate it to your own family though.