Sunday, February 3, 2008

super bowl commercial ad

Tonight, while watching the Super Bowl, I came across some pretty weird commercials, not going to lie. I think the weirdest one was this Diet Pepsi Max commercial, but at the same time it was interesting. Even though the drink is Diet Pepsi, it has gensing in it, but still supposedly low calories.

The commercial starts out by all of these people in various types of settings not being able to basically function or do their work because they did not have any energy. The different settings were people working in an office, men on farms, men doing valet parking in front of a hotel, famous rappers in singers during an awards show, a guy at a bar, etc. They even had commentators acting like they were announcing news from the Super Bowl game, but could not stay awake. During the different settings in the beginning, no one could stay awake or perform any tasks because they were tired and did not have any energy. But after a lady came pass the office with a bunch of Diet Pepsi Max on a cart, the workers drank one and all started dancing and functioning better. So did all the other people at the other settings.

This commercial appealed to pathos, ethos, and even logos. It appealed to the emotion sense of the rhetorical triangle because it showed how everyone was down and could not function without this simple drink and then how there was happiness and excitement after the drink was drank. The logic was that it featured all the different type of settings and acknowledged that no one could not do anything without this Pepsi drink. The credibility was that it had rappers and famous music stars in the commercial that could not even stay wake at their own music awards, rather find out who the song of the year goes to. These stars included L.L. Cool J, Missy Elliot, Macy Gray, and Busta Rhymes. Everyone was bobble heads in the beginning, until they got the drink.

I also found the commercial online:

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