Wednesday, May 20, 2009

it's my light . but who really cares?

My light? MY light. Hmmm, I think this is broad. I am feeling like I cannot chose which of the various aspects I want to talk about that makes up my light. When I think of my light I generally think of who I am, my personal opinions and my goals in life. I am usually put in situations that I feel like I have to stand up for who I am and what I believe in and there are so many things I can talk about. But I am going to settle talking about a particular event that happened a few weeks ago.

During my study hall, I usually sit down the hallway near the chemistry room. I do this so I more of a “controlled” area and so I can concentrate easier on my work. However, just a few weeks ago, I decided to sit in the unmonitored study hall area near the chairs and tables. I sat on the floor just because it felt comfortable, allowing me to not here conversations that well since I was lower than the people sitting at a nearby table. I found it very odd that the day I chose to sit where all the other students sit, I actually did overhear some negative rather heart breaking comments from a student at our school. The student said that he/she was in this play called Rent because it was about blacks and gays. This hyped up my interest of the play because it was supporting blacks and gays. But in contrast of what I was thinking, the student went on and said that he/she was only in the play because he/she wanted to piss of his/her parents (since the parents do not like blacks or gays, according to the student). He/she added, “Well, neither do I”.

I sat there, a part of me was just trying to stay to myself and tell myself that I was just being nosy. But a part another part of me wanted to jump all over this kid, smack him/her in the face, and give them a little wake up call. Coincidentally while I sat pondering, one of the students at the table IMed me and reassured me that what I really thought I heard was actually said. I could tell that this student was bothered by it as well but did not know how to handle it. I conversed a little bit with my friend Brittney and she was offended just like I was. I chose to go say something to this kid. I let him/her know the reality of life. I told him/her that I was just going to have a few words for him/her, but at some other school or in another environment, he/she would catch a reaction that was physical (basically getting his/her ass beat). My first question was “Why don’t you like blacks or gays?” and the student paused. He/She then expressed himself/herself with sincere apology and said it was a joke. I said more words, expressing my own personal hurt, while the student kept touching his/her heart and apologizing.

I feel like I shared my light. I let this kid know the reality of things and stood up for myself as well as for people I know. But what follows me is was this student really sorry or just saying that as a cover-up? I will probably never know, but I am proud for standing up for who I am and sharing my light.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

chopin`s " the story of an hour " .

Kate Chopin is one of those authors who keeps the same ideas and themes throughout more than one of her stories. Chopin's stories, "The Story Of An Hour" and "The Awakening" both contain female protagonist who are questioning their independence, as well as their bit of hatred and love for the ones who they are married to.

In “The Awakening”, Edna Pontellier is the protagonist. Edna did not care about her family as a whole. She cared about herself and making herself happy. Mrs. Pontellier was not happy with the one she married and she did not love him. She thought that she would become happy by not feeling like she is counting on her husband and getting her own house called the Pigeon House, but her large amount of selfishness leads her to complete unhappiness and she dies of suicide.

The protagonist in “The Story Of An Hour” is Mrs. Mallard, who did not see whole reality of things, “her awakening”, until her husband died. Her selfishness included feeling of happiness when he died and feeling like she was set free. In the midst of all this, she could not figure out if she really loved him or not. She thought that his death was the beginning of a happy life for her, but she eventually found out that he was not truly dead. Because her thoughts of happiness were destroyed, Mrs. Mallard died.

the lady or the tigerrrr ?

At the end of this reading, the question that we, as readers, are posed with is; "Did the tiger come out the door, or did the lady?". I think that no matter what comes out the door, the princess will still lead the suitor to unhappiness. The princess will either pick the door with the tiger (which means he will be killed instantly) or the door with the lady (which means that he will be forced to be in love with another woman). This lady is who the princess really hates and who she thinks the suitor has flirted with before anyway.

I think the main of this story is that there are chances you take to try to get happiness. Either he will be eaten or he will be suffering hardcore or fall in love happily. There is really no way to say which one will happen because of the way the story ended, but life is full of choices. For example, you can either pick a tiger, be eaten and not have to worry about going through any more obstacles in life, or you can pick a door with a lady that you do not know much about and you may fall in love with someone for the wrong reasons.

I am not a big fan of this story. I think it was somewhat interesting, while it was too long just to leave us with basically a “cliffhanger” ending and leaving readers to make our on choice on the ending.